How the NewGenn® technology works
The starting point in the manufacture of NewGenn products is natural plant oil.
The molecules in the natural plant oil are first modified into detergent molecules and then each molecule is given a positive charge. Acidity modifiers are added as the final step.
Bacteria have a negative charge on the outside so the positive charged detergent molecules attach to the bacteria which allows the detergent to kill the bacteria by dissolving them from the outside going inwards.
The detergent aspect also dissolves into and kills fungi, yeasts and "membrane bound" viruses like HIV, Herpes, the families of Hepatitis B and C viruses, Sars virus and many others viruses.
Small viruses such as Noro-like, (winter vomiting disease, Norwalk virus, vomiting and diarrhoea virus) viruses (Calici viruses) have a tough outer coat made of tightly coiled proteins held together by ionic forces. The acidity modifiers in the formulations are believed to inactivate those ionic forces so the coiled proteins separate just far enough for the detergent molecules to enter the virus, destroy the nucleic acid and dissolve the virus from the inside going outwards. This process happens extremely quickly in a matter of seconds.
Stop and prevent Norovirus with NewGenn®
Stop and Prevent Norovirus. Norovirus is a group of closely related viruses which pass from person to person. New outbreaks usually occur where there is inadequate sanitation and food becomes contaminated with faeces or vomit from infected people. Stop and prevent norovirus with NewGenn�. Outbreaks are most commonly seen in hospitals, schools and cruise ships, places where people accumulate in reasonable numbers
Is there any GOOD NEWS?
Other names used for this microbe:
- Norwalk virus - to describe the American town where it first caused disease
- Noro-like virus - to show that there are many strains
- Winter Vomiting Disease virus - the name used when it first attacked British hospitals
- Small Round Structured Virus - to describe its unique shape
- SRSV - as an abbreviation of the previous name
- Calici virus - the family of viruses to which it belongs
Where does it come from and why?
Stop and Prevent Norovirus with NewGenn?. Norovirus is a group of closely related viruses which pass from person to person. New outbreaks usually occur where there is inadequate sanitation and food becomes contaminated with faeces or vomit from infected people. Outbreaks are most commonly seen in hospitals, schools and cruise ships, places where people accumulate in reasonable numbers for long enough to develop and show symptoms. In dental practices the main route of infection will most likely be from contaminated equipment and hands but it is very unlikely that a patient infected in a dental practice will still be on the premises when symptoms show.
Stop and Prevent Norovirus with NewGenn?. Norovirus is a group of closely related viruses which pass from person to person. New outbreaks usually occur where there is inadequate sanitation and food becomes contaminated with faeces or vomit from infected people. Outbreaks are most commonly seen in hospitals, schools and cruise ships, places where people accumulate in reasonable numbers for long enough to develop and show symptoms. In dental practices the main route of infection will most likely be from contaminated equipment and hands but it is very unlikely that a patient infected in a dental practice will still be on the premises when symptoms show.
How does it invade and affect people?
Swallowing virus particles leads to infection. The virus invades the cells of the intestine forcing each invaded cell to make more virus particles. The damage to those cells leads to the symptoms of the disease.
Swallowing virus particles leads to infection. The virus invades the cells of the intestine forcing each invaded cell to make more virus particles. The damage to those cells leads to the symptoms of the disease.
Diseases caused
Nausea, vomitting and diarrheoa are the main symptoms. The disease lasts for 1 to 2 days but victims can remain infectious for at least a week from the onset of illness. There are many strains of Norovirus and immunity to one strain does not protect against another. Therefore people can be infected again.
Nausea, vomitting and diarrheoa are the main symptoms. The disease lasts for 1 to 2 days but victims can remain infectious for at least a week from the onset of illness. There are many strains of Norovirus and immunity to one strain does not protect against another. Therefore people can be infected again.
Good hygiene is essential and particularly in the presence of diseased people. Surfaces in homes can be decontaminated using high dose bleach but in other areas chlorine may be deemed to be too toxic and possibly corrosive. Stop and prevent Norovirus with NewGenn?.
Good hygiene is essential and particularly in the presence of diseased people. Surfaces in homes can be decontaminated using high dose bleach but in other areas chlorine may be deemed to be too toxic and possibly corrosive. Stop and prevent Norovirus with NewGenn?.
Yes - NewGenn? as a company has strong expertise on the Calici virus family. The NewGenn? environmental product range includes very safe products that kill this virus family in seconds (based on Feline Calici Virus, the accepted surrogate virus) without the need for toxic chlorine. Stop and Prevent Norovirus with NewGenn?
Hepatitis B Virus
It is therefore always best to assume that blood and body fluids are infectious (even if the person does not have HBV they may be carrying HIV or Hepatitis C Virus). Therefore ALL spillages of blood and body fluids should be decontaminated with chlorine or one of the new products introduced by NewGenn?. Chlorine is effective but it releases toxic chlorine gas if mixed with acidic liquids Other names used for this microbe:
HBV is a human virus that circulates purely within the human population.
How does it invade and affect people?
It is transmitted through blood and body fluids that contain blood.
Diseases caused
50% of those infected are never ill and most of the remainder just feel a bit ill and assume they have a "touch of the flu". An extremely small number of people show acute hepatitis.
90% of those infected beat the infection and develop strong immunity. The remaining 10% become carriers when the virus inserts its DNA into the DNA of the liver cells so that every time the liver cells divide, which they do frequently, more virus is made. Those who become carriers have a strong chance of developing liver cancer many years after infection.
A very effective vaccine is available and the number of people infected each year has fallen dramatically since the vaccine was introduced. However the vaccine is usually only given to those at high risk so the rest of the population must rely on common sense and good hygiene.
Blood and body fluids are the threat but most carriers do not know they have the virus and therefore do not know to warn their family and contacts. It is therefore always best to assume that blood and body fluids are infectious (even if the person does not have HBV they may be carrying HIV or Hepatitis C Virus). Therefore ALL spillages of blood and body fluids should be decontaminated with chlorine or one of the new products introduced by NewGenn?. Chlorine is effective but it releases toxic chlorine gas if mixed with acidic liquids, which is usually the case with urine and vomit.
Is there any GOOD NEWS?
Yes ? the vaccine is very effective, bleach is good at killing the virus and the NewGenn? High Level Disinfectant is capable of killing the virus in blood and body fluids. For details on NewGenn� High Level Disinfectant go to our product pages. NewGenn? High Level Disinfectant is safe enough to use close to patients and children.
- HBV ? as an abbreviation.
HBV is a human virus that circulates purely within the human population.
How does it invade and affect people?
It is transmitted through blood and body fluids that contain blood.
Diseases caused
50% of those infected are never ill and most of the remainder just feel a bit ill and assume they have a "touch of the flu". An extremely small number of people show acute hepatitis.
90% of those infected beat the infection and develop strong immunity. The remaining 10% become carriers when the virus inserts its DNA into the DNA of the liver cells so that every time the liver cells divide, which they do frequently, more virus is made. Those who become carriers have a strong chance of developing liver cancer many years after infection.
A very effective vaccine is available and the number of people infected each year has fallen dramatically since the vaccine was introduced. However the vaccine is usually only given to those at high risk so the rest of the population must rely on common sense and good hygiene.
Blood and body fluids are the threat but most carriers do not know they have the virus and therefore do not know to warn their family and contacts. It is therefore always best to assume that blood and body fluids are infectious (even if the person does not have HBV they may be carrying HIV or Hepatitis C Virus). Therefore ALL spillages of blood and body fluids should be decontaminated with chlorine or one of the new products introduced by NewGenn?. Chlorine is effective but it releases toxic chlorine gas if mixed with acidic liquids, which is usually the case with urine and vomit.
Is there any GOOD NEWS?
Yes ? the vaccine is very effective, bleach is good at killing the virus and the NewGenn? High Level Disinfectant is capable of killing the virus in blood and body fluids. For details on NewGenn� High Level Disinfectant go to our product pages. NewGenn? High Level Disinfectant is safe enough to use close to patients and children.
SARS Virus
Flu-like symptoms of fever, dry cough and general illness. These symptoms are common so the important clue is whether the ill person has been near others who have been diagnosed with SARS. If so immediate medical help should be sought
Other names used for this microbe:
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Virus.
Where does it come from and why?
It is now assumed that a Corona Virus is causing the disease. The SARS virus originated in a southern province of China and spread to other countries in infected people who had visited that province. It has now spread around the world on jets.
It is now assumed that a Corona Virus is causing the disease. The SARS virus originated in a southern province of China and spread to other countries in infected people who had visited that province. It has now spread around the world on jets.
How does it invade and affect people?
The virus spreads from a diseased person to those in close contact like relatives and hospital care workers. When an affected person is removed the main threat will be gone, but the virus will almost certainly remain on surfaces around where the patient was housed. Spread is then most likely to be via hand contamination and once viruses are on the hands it is easy to spread them to the mouth and eyes.
The virus spreads from a diseased person to those in close contact like relatives and hospital care workers. When an affected person is removed the main threat will be gone, but the virus will almost certainly remain on surfaces around where the patient was housed. Spread is then most likely to be via hand contamination and once viruses are on the hands it is easy to spread them to the mouth and eyes.
Diseases caused
Flu-like symptoms of fever, dry cough and general illness. These symptoms are common so the important clue is whether the ill person has been near others who have been diagnosed with SARS. If so immediate medical help should be sought.
Flu-like symptoms of fever, dry cough and general illness. These symptoms are common so the important clue is whether the ill person has been near others who have been diagnosed with SARS. If so immediate medical help should be sought.
If possible do not travel to areas where SARS has been diagnosed and if you have been in such an area seek medical advice if you feel unwell. If you live in an affected area follow the guidelines of your local health authority.
If possible do not travel to areas where SARS has been diagnosed and if you have been in such an area seek medical advice if you feel unwell. If you live in an affected area follow the guidelines of your local health authority.
Face-masks will do no harm but it is wise to not rely on them as your only protection. Good hand hygiene is essential as the virus will be carried to the mouth and eyes via the hands. It is important to use a hand hygiene product that is nice to skin so it can be applied every 5 to 10 minutes. Unfortunately many of the alcohol based hand rubs damage hands so people tend to use them less often which leaves them more exposed to infection. If too many people use alcohol products in confined spaces like underground stations the fire risk will outweigh the threat from the SARS virus.
Is there any GOOD NEWS?
Yes - NewGenn? has strong expertise on killing Corona Viruses and especially Avian Infectious Bronchitis, a very deadly virus of chickens. All the NewGenn? products kill viruses and especially Corona virus in seconds without the need for toxic chlorine or flammable alcohol. To obtain details on NewGenn? High Level Disinfectant, NewGenn? Foam Hand Rub and NewGenn? Foam Hand Wash please click on the individual product buttons. These products are safe enough to use near and on patients including children and can be safely fogged into residential buildings without harm to those using the product.
Yes - NewGenn? has strong expertise on killing Corona Viruses and especially Avian Infectious Bronchitis, a very deadly virus of chickens. All the NewGenn? products kill viruses and especially Corona virus in seconds without the need for toxic chlorine or flammable alcohol. To obtain details on NewGenn? High Level Disinfectant, NewGenn? Foam Hand Rub and NewGenn? Foam Hand Wash please click on the individual product buttons. These products are safe enough to use near and on patients including children and can be safely fogged into residential buildings without harm to those using the product.